Our Leadership Team
The Covenant Health Executive Leadership Team serves the East Tennessee community.

Executive Leadership Team

Jon-David Deeson
Executive Vice President of Physician Enterprise and Ambulatory Services, Covenant Health

Senior Leadership Team

Liz Clary, MHA, BSN, RN
Vice President of Behavioral Health, Peninsula, a division of Parkwest Medical Center

Ben DeVore
President and Chief Administrative Officer, Thompson Cancer Survival Center

Jeremy Floyd
Chief Communications Officer, Vice President of Marketing, Covenant Health

Mandy Halford, MD
Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Covenant Health

Devan Johnson, MHA
President and Chief Administrative Officer, Parkwest Medical Center

Gordon Lintz
President and Chief Administrative Officer, Claiborne Medical Center and Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System

Connie Martin
President and Chief Administrative Officer, Fort Loudoun Medical Center

Justin McGoldrick, MD
Enterprise Vice President of Medical Affairs and Graduate Medical Education Officer, Covenant Health

Jason Pilant
President and Chief Administrative Officer for Roane Medical Center, Covenant Health