Online Scheduling Available at Fort Loudoun Primary Care Walk-In Clinic

  • 0 minute read.
  • Last Updated: 5/22/2023

Hold Your Place in Line at Our Walk-In Clinic

We’ll reserve your place in line so that you can wait comfortably at home until your estimated visit time. To hold your place in line, simply:

  • Review the “When to Go Where” section below to ensure your needs can be met at our walk-in clinic or if they require advanced care
  • Click on the button below
  • Choose an available time today or tomorrow to be seen
  • Check your email or phone for a reminder about your visit
  • Arrive a few minutes before your estimated visit time

Holding your place in line is an estimated time that you will be seen once registration is completed, so there still may be a wait time. A patient with a critical condition may be evaluated first. Scheduling ahead ensures you’re seen before someone who walks in at the same time.

Don’t see a time that’s convenient for you? Walk-ins are always welcome!

Do NOT use the scheduling tool for emergencies like chest pain, abdominal pain, or stroke-like symptoms. Instead, call 911 or visit your nearest hospital emergency room. Contact your doctor’s office immediately if you have coughing, fever, or shortness of breath.

Hold Your Place at the Walk-In Clinic

When to Go Where

Primary Care Appointments
Walk-In Clinic
Emergency Room