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Peninsula Behavioral Health

Covenant Health System


The symptoms below are not a comprehensive list of what you may be feeling. However, narrowing down how you feel may help determine what kind of treatment may help you. All treatment plans are created specifically for your needs by Peninsula staff and physicians. At any time, call 865-970-9800.


Although anger is a natural emotion, if it is uncontrollable or severe it can also be damaging to your physical well-being, relationships and professional growth. If you have frequent, intense episodes of anger or are triggered by certain situations or people, you may benefit from group or individual therapy or our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). At any time, call 865-970-9800.

Attention problems

Trouble focusing on a task or an inability to stop and think before responding may mean you have an attention disorder. Other symptoms of attention issues include poor short-term memory, lack of organization or trouble anticipating needs and problems. Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) can lead to relationship issues, traffic accidents and professional mistakes. For children, ADD can cause problems in school related to focusing, following the rules and being quiet when appropriate. Peninsula Outpatient Centers may be able to provide relief for attention issues through a therapy and medication plan. At any time, call 865-970-9800.

Drug or alcohol abuse

Abuse of drugs or alcohol can be extremely damaging to your personal and professional life, health and your relationships with others. Substance abuse annually causes more deaths, illnesses and disabilities than any other preventable health concern. If you are concerned about your dependence on drugs or alcohol or if substances are having negative effects on your daily life, you may benefit from the Adult Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) of the Women in Treatment program through Peninsula Outpatient Centers. At any time, call 865-970-9800.

Grief and loss

Experiencing grief after the loss of a loved one is a normal, complex reaction to the situation. Grief may take many years to work through, and can affect many parts of your life. Symptoms of grief include:

  • Lack of energy
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Extreme bouts of sadness and happiness
  • Anger about the situation

While grief is a natural reaction to loss, it must be managed so that activities of daily life and relationships with others may be maintained. If grief is overwhelming or affecting many parts of your life negatively, you may benefit from therapy and support groups through Peninsula Outpatient Centers. At any time, call 865-970-9800.


Constant sadness affects your whole body, mood and thoughts and the way you eat, sleep and see yourself. Prolonged sadness may be caused by depression, which can last for months or years without proper treatment. People with a depressive illness cannot just “pull themselves together” and feel better. Signs of depression include:

  • Change in appetite
  • Change in sleeping patterns
  • Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed
  • Persistent sad or anxious mood
  • Inability to concentrate

Peninsula Outpatient Centers can provide support to people feeling this kind of prolonged sadness. Treatment may include therapy, Intensive Outpatient Programs and/or medication. If you are feeling sad and have recurring thoughts of death or suicide, call 911 for help immediately.

Social or relationship problems

Mental health issues influence the way you see the world and create relationships with other people. If you are having difficulty in social situations, maintaining relationships or finding your place in your community, you may be eligible to participate in Peninsula’s Peer Support Academies. These support centers prioritize socializing among participants and building a supportive community. At any time, call 865-970-9800.

Worry or stress

If you’re excessively worried and/or continually anticipate disaster, you may be experiencing anxiety. Some signs of an anxiety disorder include trouble falling or staying asleep, irritability, inability to relax, muscle tension and nausea. Treatment for anxiety may include medication and therapy, based on the extent of your symptoms. Peninsula Outpatient Centers offers individualized treatment plans for individuals experiencing anxiety. At any time, call 865-970-9800.

For more information about our services, call us at 865-970-9800 or contact us online. You can also choose the “Chat with Us” pop-up to request prescription refills or speak with a Call Center representative.