Peninsula Behavioral Health

Covenant Health System

Behavioral Health Safety Net

young female talking to female therapist

Peninsula is partnered with the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse who fund the Behavioral Health Safety Net program. This program covers the cost of outpatient mental health services for adults and children who qualify. Individuals can apply for Behavioral Health Safety Net by calling 865-970-9800 and requesting a free appointment to determine eligibility.

Eligibility Criteria

Adult Applicants

Adult applicants must meet the following criteria for coverage of available services:

  • Ages 18-65*
  • US Citizen or qualified alien status
  • Tennessee resident
  • Household income at or below 138% Federal Poverty Limit
  • Not currently in an inpatient facility or nursing home
  • Not an inmate or incarcerated
  • Ineligible for VA benefits, TennCare, or have filled out a TennCare application
  • No private health insurance, or all behavioral health benefits have been exhausted for the year
  • Work with Peninsula to receive a mental health diagnosis

*Adult applicants 65 or older, or who have Medicare insurance and meet other eligibility requirements may qualify for partial coverage of available services.

Download the adult flier here.

Child Applicants

Child applicants may qualify for full or partial coverage for behavioral health services. Services covered will depend on if the child is insured or not. There is NO family income limit to qualify.

Child applicants must meet the following criteria for coverage of all available services:

  • Ages 3-17
  • US Citizen or qualified alien status
  • Tennessee resident
  • Not currently in long-term inpatient or residential facility
  • Not in State legal custody
  • No TennCare
  • No private health insurance, or all behavioral health benefits have been exhausted for the year
  • Work with Peninsula to receive a mental health diagnosis

Child applicants with CoverKids or private insurance may qualify for partial coverage of available services.

Download Child Flier here.

Application Requirements

Peninsula staff will work with applicants to determine eligibility for Behavioral Health Safety Net. Applicants may be asked to provide documentation showing they meet the above criteria. The following documentation will be requested to complete the application:

  • Proof of US Citizenship or qualified alien status
  • Proof of Tennessee residency
  • Proof of income (for adult applicants)
  • Proof of no insurance, TennCare denial or behavioral health benefits exhausted for the year

State website:

To apply, call 865-970-9800 and request an appointment at a clinic near you!