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Tomosynthesis (3D Mammography) at Parkwest Comprehensive Breast Center

Receive top-quality imaging and diagnostic services at Parkwest Medical Center in Knoxville, TN.

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About 3D Mammography at Parkwest

The Parkwest Comprehensive Breast Center, an American College of Radiology Breast Center of Excellence, is proud to have been the first breast center in East Tennessee to offer tomosynthesis (3D mammography), the latest breast cancer screening technology, to our patients. Parkwest started performing tomosynthesis in 2012.

What is tomosynthesis?

Tomosynthesis is a three-dimensional (3D) digital mammography technique used to detect breast cancer. It consists of multiple images through the breast, allowing doctors to “see through” much of the dense tissue and better detect small cancers that may have otherwise been hidden. (Think of the difference between seeing a flat circle versus seeing a ball.)

Why would I need to consider tomosynthesis?

Tomosynthesis is recommended for women with dense breast tissue and/or high breast cancer risk. Approximately 40 percent of women in the United States have “dense” breast tissue, meaning that the tissue appears whiter on mammograms than “fatty” breast tissue, which is more transparent. This white appearance clouds the mammogram image, making cancerous tumors difficult to see.

Recent literature suggests that dense-breasted patients are between four and six times more likely to develop breast cancer. However, according to the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2013, tomosynthesis has significantly improved cancer detection for women with dense breasts.

Read the testimonial of Melissa Lonas, who credits tomosynthesis as the procedure that saved her life.

How does the level of radiation compare and how long does it take?

The radiation dose of tomosynthesis is equivalent to the prior non-digital mammograms that were used for more than 30 years. The study is also completed in about five minutes which is much faster than a whole breast ultrasound.

What does tomosynthesis cost?

Some insurance companies cover tomosynthesis while others do not. If you have any questions regarding your specific coverage, please contact your insurance company.


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