Search Results For: health tips

What Is Stress? 5 Tips to Manage Stress Symptoms

Stress is how the body reacts to a challenge or demand. Many people face difficult challenges and responsibilities that may overlap or conflict. Learn how to identify and manage stress.

Good Nutrition – Healing from the Inside Out

Though often overlooked, nutrition is an extremely important part of the healing process. During the healing process, the body is busy adding new tissue, replacing fluids and fighting infection, so it needs increased amounts of water, calories, protein and vitamins.

The Effects of Vaping on Teens and Young Adults

Electronic cigarettes are a popular alternative to cigarettes, even among teenagers and young adults. While it may seem like a safer and healthier version of smoking, vaping comes with its own health risks.

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A Not-For-Profit, Community-Owned Healthcare System

We are committed to improving the quality of life in East Tennessee through better health. In partnership with our generous donors, Covenant’s 10,000+ employees, physicians, and volunteers are providing outstanding care for our patients and their families.
Covenant Health