Roane Medical Center Phone Directory
Let’s Stay in Touch!
Here is a phone directory for Roane Medical Center’s most frequently requested departments and services. If you need assistance reaching an unknown number, call our main line at 865-316-1000.
Department | Telephone Number |
Main Number | 865-316-1000 |
Direct dial patient room | 865-316-1 plus the room number |
Physician Referral | 865-316-0000 |
Administration | 865-316-2000 |
Administration Fax | 865-316-3700 |
Admissions/Patient Registration | 865-316-2300 |
Business Office (KBOS) | 865-374-3000 |
Cardiac Diagnostics | 865-316-2800 |
Cardiac Diagnostics Fax | 865-316-3727 |
Cardiac Rehab | 865-316-2825 |
Cardiac Rehab Fax | 865-316-3709 |
Cath Lab | 865-316-2775 |
Cath Lab Fax | 865-316-3706 |
Centralized Scheduling | 865-316-2304 |
Continuum of Care/Case Management | 865-316-2050 |
Continuum of Care/Case Management Fax | 865-316-3707 |
Education & Training | 865-316-3177 |
Emergency Department (ED) | 865-316-3100 |
Emergency Department (ED) Fax | 865-316-3712 |
Environmental Services | 865-316-2375 |
Food and Nutritional Services | 865-316-2400 |
Food and Nutritional Services Fax | 865-316-3713 |
Gift Shop | 865-316-2252 |
Health Information Management (Medical Records) | 865-316-5269 |
Human Resources | 865-316-2200 |
ICU | 865-316-3000 |
Imaging Services | 865-316-2600 |
Imaging Services Fax | 865-316-3727 |
Integrity & Compliance Report Line | 865-374-8010 |
Integrity & Compliance Fax | 865-374-8016 |
Job Opportunities | 865-374-5395 |
Job Opportunities Fax | 865-531-5218 |
Laboratory | 865-316-2900 |
Laboratory Fax | 865-316-3718 |
Marketing/Public Relations | 865-316-2150 |
Materials Management (Purchasing) | 865-316-2425 |
Materials Management (Purchasing) Fax | 865-316-3719 |
Medical Staff Office | 865-316-2175 |
Medical Staff Services Fax | 865-316-3752 |
Medical Surgical Unit | 865-316-3050 |
Nursing Administration | 865-316-3225 |
Pharmacy | 865-316-2550 |
Pharmacy Fax | 865-316-3723 |
Physical Therapy – Inpatient | 865-316-2975 |
Physical Therapy – Patricia Neal Outpatient Therapy Center (PNOC) | 865-316-2950 |
Respiratory Therapy | 865-316-2850 |
Risk Management/Privacy | 865-316-2225 |
Security – dialing inside the hospital | 0 |
Sleep Lab | 865-316-2875 |
Surgical Services | 865-316-3200 |
Surgical Services Fax | 865-316-3732 |
Women’s Services | 865-316-2675 |