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Tele-ICU Services

middle age male doctor in scrubs talking to a patient in bed

What are Tele-ICU Services?

Tele-ICU services represent a new advancement in medicine. Covenant Health is the first healthcare system in East Tennessee to provide this service as an extra layer of care for critically ill patients.

Our Covenant Health tele-ICU medical providers are intensivists (doctors with special training in critical care) and highly trained specialists who use telehealth technology to partner with our bedside clinical care teams. This means your hospital physicians, registered nurses and respiratory therapists have access to an experienced tele-ICU critical care physician at all times. Through round-the-clock consultation and monitoring vital signs, labs and overall health, our tele-ICU team works virtually alongside our hospital staff, anticipating medical needs before they become urgent.

No matter where you live in East Tennessee, tele-ICU technology allows you and your family to receive excellent critical care services at your local Covenant Health hospital. Medical literature also shows that critical care patients have better outcomes, including lower risks of death and shorter ICU and hospital stays, when the patient’s hospital bedside team is supported by tele-ICU clinical staff.

male nurse taking temperature of young female patient with doctor on screen

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this service replace my physician at the hospital?
How do I know when the tele-ICU staff is monitoring me?
Who is the tele-ICU staff behind the camera, and where are they located?