Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge

Covenant Health System

Interventional Radiology

female medical professional looking at images on computer screens

New interventional radiology procedures allow specially trained doctors to diagnose and treat a number of diseases that previously required open surgery. Patients who come to Methodist Medical Center benefit in several ways:

  • Most interventional radiology procedures are performed on an outpatient basis or require a very short hospital stay.
  • General anesthesia is not usually necessary.
  • There is less risk and less pain.
  • Recovery times are shorter, as compared to traditional surgery.
doctor looks at diagnostic imaging results on computer screen
Abcess drainage
Arteriograms and venograms
Balloon angioplasty
Biliary drainage and stenting
Central venous access
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS)
doctor looking at a scan on a computer screen

Methodist’s Interventional Radiology Program Joins Elite Category

Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge has become one of the few hospitals in Tennessee to have a 100 percent certified interventional radiology team. Several team members have earned multiple specialized certifications. Interventional radiology procedures allow specially trained doctors to diagnose and treat a number of conditions that previously required open surgery. Among the procedures performed are biopsies, balloon angioplasty, treatment of certain aneurysms and blood clots, and placement of stents in narrowed blood vessels.


Methodist Medical Center

  • Hospital
  • Laboratory
  • Emergency Room