Employer Health Services

Covenant Health is committed to improving the quality of life in our communities through better health. Our team works with you, the employer, to offer services that meet the needs of the company and its most valuable asset – the employees.
We strive to offer comfortable yet professional interactions with employees while encouraging them to take proactive steps with their healthcare. Our staff offers expertise on lifestyle changes, current evidence based information, and care navigation to improve the overall health of your employees.

Benefits of Work Site Services
Employer Benefits
- Increased engagement and productivity
- Fewer sick days
- Greater job satisfaction and retention
Employee Benefits
- Receive personalized plans to achieve their health goals
- Reduce risk factors for disease
- Manage chronic conditions like diabetes
Available Services
Health Analytics and Reporting
Employees will complete an online survey and receive a comprehensive health report stored in a personalized health portal. Employers will receive an aggregate analysis of their employees’ health needs to guide “data-driven” decisions for health initiatives.
On-site Biometrics and Other Screenings
On-site biometrics include blood pressure, height and weight, body fat percentage and waist circumference. Screenings may also include a variety of labs which can provide valuable insight for current health and risk factors.
If necessary, our staff can schedule your employee at one of Covenant Medical Group’s primary care clinics for follow up.
On-site Physicals
For your convenience, our medical team can come on site and perform routine on-site physicals, including measuring vitals, reviewing lab results and addressing any concerns the employee may have.
If necessary, our staff can schedule your employee at one of Covenant Medical Group’s primary care clinics for follow up.
On-site or Virtual Health Education
Our health education programs cover a variety of topics, including:
- General science-based nutrition.
- Nutrition and exercise for managing specific conditions, including disease management such as diabetes and heart disease.
- Personal exercise guidance.
- Weight loss tips and goal setting for personal health goals.
1:1 Health Coaching
Elective Health Coaching is a valuable tool guiding individuals to create and own their personalized plan to practice behaviors which prioritize their health. Coaches can help clients identify their values, motivation, and overcome obstacles in order to manage disease and improve their overall well-being.
Care Navigation
Partnering with our team to provide health services goes beyond the initial engagement. We strive to form trusting relationships that encourage employees to ask our assistance with any additional health information and medical referrals if needed.