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Common Sleep Center Procedures Services

young female sleeping in bed

Polysomnography (PSG) is usually done overnight in the sleep center. A PSG records important data about:  

  • Brain activity
  • Eye movements
  • Heart rate
  • Blood pressure 
  • The amount of oxygen in your blood
  • How much air is moving through your nose while you breathe
  • Snoring
  • Chest movements (showing whether you’re making an effort to breathe)

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Studies (Apnea Treatment)

This is similar to the PSG sleep study. This study is used to set the right level of continuous positive airway pressure for a person who has sleep apnea and will be using a CPAP machine for treatment.


Split-Night Polysomnography (Diagnostic & Treatment)

In this study, during the first half of the night, your sleep is assessed to determine whether you have sleep apnea — and if so, the severity will be determined. 

During the second half of the night, you may be asked to use a CPAP machine. A technician will adjust the settings on the machine so the flow of air is therapeutic for your sleep disorder breathing.


MSLT Studies (Night/Day Diagnostic)

This daytime sleep study measures how sleepy you are. It’s typically done the day after a PSG. The MSLT records whether you fall asleep during the test and what types and stages of sleep you’re having. The types and stages of sleep you have during the day can help your doctor diagnose sleep disorders such as narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. 

An MSLT is repeated four or five times throughout the day. This is because your ability to fall asleep also changes throughout the day.

MWT Studies (Night/Day Diagnostic)

The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) measures your ability to stay awake in a quiet, dark, and nonstimulating room for a period of time. This test is usually given to a person receiving therapy for conditions causing daytime sleepiness which have been diagnosed, such as sleep apnea.




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