Turning Off Vacation Mode

Coming back to work after the holidays or even snow days can be challenging. For most of us, taking time off meant that routines changed, priorities shifted, and motivation possibly dwindled. Turning off vacation mode and switching on work mode requires intentionality. Here are a few tips to help you stay engaged as you transition back into the workplace this month:
- Create a To Do List. When you don’t know where to begin and feel overwhelmed, start somewhere, however big or small it may be. Organize your tasks and re-establish daily routines to maximize productivity.
- Find Joy. Think about what you enjoyed working on in 2024 and see if you can work on more of those projects this year. Identify something that you are looking forward to in 2025 and add it to your calendar. Collaborate with your team and delegate responsibility that puts individuals in opportunities where they can shine.
- Refocus your Intentions by Examining your “Why.” Our pledge of excellence states that the patient always comes first, that we strive for excellence in everything we do, and that we will do our part to make Covenant Health the first and best choice. We must think about the daily impact our role can have on the patients and communities we serve. Approach each day with compassion. How can we continue to become the trusted and valued partner for life?
- Learn New Skills by Taking a Learning and Leadership Development Class this Quarter such as Advanced Excel, Professionalism in the Workplace, Body Language, or Microsoft Teams.
-Josh Delaney, Learning and Management Specialist
Wheeler, M. (2025, Jan. 15) Is You’re your Brain Stuck On Vacation Mode? Switch It Back With These 3 Tips. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/melissawheeler/2025/01/15/is-your-brain-stuck-on-vacation-mode-switch-it-back-with-these-3-tips/