Nursing Assistant Week – Susan Rivera

Join us in recognizing National Nursing Assistants Week by celebrating our compassionate and caring nursing assistants. Nursing assistants play an essential role on our care team by providing hands-on care to help patients perform daily activities while at the hospital. They also provide a helping hand to our nursing staff by offering additional support when needed. Today, we are featuring Susan Rivera, a certified nursing assistant on our medical surgical unit. Susan is proud to help take care of her patients at their time of need. Read more about her below.

Where are you from?

 I am originally from Nebraska.

How long have you worked at Fort Sanders Regional?

 I have worked at Regional for three and a half years.

Tell us a little bit about your job at FSR?

 I help patients take care of their daily activities while they are at the hospital.

How do you try and help your patients each day?

 I try and take care of any of their needs and make sure to treat all my patients with respect and dignity. I let them know that I am here to help any way that I can.

What do you enjoy the most about working at Fort Sanders Regional?

I get the opportunity to meet different patients from all different walks of life. It means a lot to me be a part of their life in their time of need. 

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

 I like to spend time with family, enjoy the outdoors and gardening.

What is your favorite food?


Who is your favorite musical artist?

Casting Crowns

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