Hospital Links

Please protect the health and safety of our patients, residents, and employees by following these guidelines:

All visitors are required to wear masks. Visitors who are not compliant with our masking policy may be asked to leave unless a medical exemption is granted.

Please remain in the room with the patient and limit travel inside the hospital. Visitors to the hospital should not have any symptoms of illness. Visitation is subject to change at leadership’s discretion.

Updated Visitation Policy:

  • Inpatients: Patients may have one visitor at a time during their stay. Visitors are limited to two per day.
  • Isolation patients, including suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients: Patients may have one visitor at a time during their stay. The visitor should remain in the room and wear appropriate PPE. The number of visitors is limited to two per day. Each visitor may visit once per day.
  • Labor and delivery patients: Patients may have one visitor at a time. Patients may have two designated visitors during their stay, plus a doula.
  • Emergency department patients: ED patients may have two visitors at a time. Visitation may be restricted based on the patient’s preference, condition, provider order, or other clinical situations identified by ED leadership.
  • Day Surgery, ambulatory and outpatients: Patients may have one visitor.
  • Behavioral Health units: Patients may have one visitor at a time during their stay. Visitors are limited to two per day. Visitors should not have any symptoms of illness. Visitation is subject to change at leadership’s discretion.
  • Patients with disabilities: Provisions will be made to ensure support persons are authorized to stay and/or visit patients with disabilities.
  • Clergy: In-person clergy visits will be permitted at the request of patients or a patient’s family. Clergy members must follow hospital safety and patient care requirements.
  • Minors: Children under the age of 14 are not permitted to visit in our hospitals

Updated February 18, 2022

Covenant Health