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MMCF – Holiday Lights for Health

Make a donation online today!
Your donation, regardless of the amount, will touch the lives of our guests. At the houses, our guests find lodging, food, rest and, most of all, companionship for the journey as they deal with stressful times and difficult diagnoses. All these services are provided free of charge thanks to your generous support.

Who can I pay tribute to with my gift?

A Holiday Lights donation is a wonderful way to honor friends, loved ones, and colleagues during this season of giving. We’ll share your generosity by sending special honorarium or memorial cards to whomever you designate when you make your gift. Simply use the form in our brochure to list your tributes.

Who is helped by Holiday Lights for Health?

Calm in the Storm

Every year our Hospitality Houses offer a welcoming home to hundreds of people from our local communities and from all over the country. While no one could have anticipated the challenges the past two years have brought, we have been able to keep our doors open to guests throughout this pandemic because of generous supporters like you. Providing a calm place in the eye of the storm has never been more needed.

No One Turned Away

Keeping our services available for patients and families was no small feat during a pandemic and the challenges that have followed. We’ve implemented steps such as special schedules to ensure social distancing for our guests, additional sanitizing throughout our facilities, and providing supplies to keep guests safe throughout their stay. Although we limited occupancy in houses that serve our most fragile cancer patients, thanks to your generosity we never closed our doors and never turned away anyone who needed to stay with us while receiving their medical care.

The Collective Power of Community

Year after year we strive to make the Hospitality Houses a place for all those in need, and we could not do that without dedicated supporters like you. Annually your donations provide over 2,000 nights of stay to guests from 20+ Tennessee counties and many states from Alabama to Wyoming.

The collective power of generous friends like you moving together toward a common goal is how the houses survive. Large donations are always welcome, but donations of just $10, $25 or $50 all add up and help continue the care for those in need. Whatever you can give, large or small, will be used to provide lodging and healing hospitality for our patients and families.

Whether you are a long-time friend or are a first-time donor, thank you for allowing us to keep the Hospitality Houses’ doors open and our mission of hope and healing alive.

From the hearts of our friends & guests…

“I have traveled the world over and never have I seen such kindness, truly a miracle at these trying times,”

“Staying here saved us a lot of money and time… it takes a lot of worry off a person’s mind during a hard time.” — cancer patient and family from Kingston, Tennessee

“We have been here for three weeks and would have been lost without the Hospitality Houses. God sends us who and what we need at the perfect time.” — guests from Texas

“At this time of year, supporting Holiday Lights for Health is the most appropriate way I know to remember loved ones, honor family and friends, recognize colleagues, and acknowledge employees and clients. Dave and I have experienced needing to be near a hospital in a strange city for several weeks at a time. We understand that the Hospitality Houses are a remarkable gift, a safe haven, for patients and their families.” — Martha Moore Hobson

A Not-For-Profit, Community-Owned Healthcare System

We are committed to improving the quality of life in East Tennessee through better health. In partnership with our generous donors, Covenant’s 11,000+ employees, physicians, and volunteers are providing the very best care for our patients and their families.