
Covenant Health System

Contact Us

If you have a question about possible employment with Covenant Health, we would love to help. Use the contact form below, and we will be in touch.

A nurse smiling down at a baby

Please call us at 865-374-5395 if you have questions regarding the application process, or if you wish to make an inquiry regarding the status of a submitted application. We look forward to helping you!

Contact Covenant Health Careers

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If you’d like a reply by telephone, please enter a number where you can be reached.

You can also view our current job postings here.

A Not-For-Profit, Community-Owned Healthcare System

We are committed to improving the quality of life in East Tennessee through better health. In partnership with our generous donors, Covenant’s 10,000+ employees, physicians and volunteers are providing the very best care for our patients and their families.