Bariatric Support Groups at Covenant Health in Tennessee

Covenant Health Bariatrics offers support groups with topics to help you reach and maintain your weight loss goals.

collection of hands in a support group

Parkwest Medical Center

Support groups are led by bariatric coordinator Stella Mouzon and are held in the Dogwood Classroom on the third and fourth Mondays of each month. Patients can register to attend by calling 865-374-7275.

Parkwest Medical Center exterior
exterior shot of Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center

Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center

Support groups are led by bariatric coordinator Melissa Litton, RN, and dietitian Rachel Ignomirello, RDN. Space is limited for in-person support groups, so please register in advance by calling Melissa at 865-331-1385.

Contact Us at Covenant Health in Tennessee

Fort Sanders Regional: Melissa Litton, RN at 865-331-1385

Parkwest: Stella Mouzon at 865-374-7275