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Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center

Covenant Health System

Net Nursery/Bella Baby

close up image of a newborn baby held by a mom

Welcome to Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center’s Net Nursery. Most slideshows are up the same day as picture day however it may take 24 hours for pictures to be available online. Slide-shows are available for up to two weeks and pictures can be ordered up to 6 weeks after. To view a baby, click here!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a password?
When are baby photos posted?
How long are pictures online?
When can I see a preemie?
I’m a new mom but I’ve forgotten my passwords – what do I do?
The baby’s mother has given me the passwords, but I’m having trouble viewing the photo – what do I do?

Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center

  • Hospital
  • Laboratory
  • Emergency Room

A not-for-profit, community-owned healthcare system

We are committed to improving the quality of life in East Tennessee through better health. In partnership with our generous donors, Covenant’s 10,000+ employees, physicians, and volunteers are providing outstanding care for our patients and their families.