
Home projects often start out full of possibilities. Creative ideas, organizational enhancements, and replacing worn out elements with brand new materials are all part of the process. My family and I are in the middle of a home project, clearing out old plants and bushes along our home front and replacing them with new shrubs and flowers. In order to understand what plants thrive the best in our specific location, we have done a great deal of research, gathered opinions from coworkers, and visited multiple nurseries. Overall, it is clear that no matter what new plants are purchased in the future, the steps we take in the first couple of weeks and months to support these plants in their new environment are crucial for their survival.
Adjusting to a new job is difficult. There are many policies to learn, people to meet, and projects to juggle. As new employees and team members are uprooted and placed on your team, what are you doing to help them establish their roots? If you were a new employee, would you want to join your team? Here are seven ways leaders can ensure new employees feel welcomed, valued, and able to grow in their new role:
- Share resources before the first day of employment (your contact information, dress code, color of scrubs, where to park, etc.)
- Write them a welcome email or letter and have a welcome event (meet and greet, decorate their locker, etc.)
- Take time to get to know their likes and dislikes
- Hold periodic check-ins and be available
- Pair them with a mentor
- Provide clear expectations (what can they expect of you AND what will you expect of them)
- Maintain patience and be flexible
In addition, here are some other resources available from Covenant Health that can help new employees develop roots:
- Encourage your new employees to sign up for a class like Leading Without a Title, Emotional Intelligence, Excel Basics, or Professionalism in the Workplace
- Share helpful information about our employee assistance program called SupportLinc
- Utilize this 30 and 90-Day Rounding Meeting Form to check-in with your team
Brigden, Ben (2023, Sept. 26) Setting the stage for success: How to welcome a new employee.
Forbes Expert Panel (2022, March 25) 15 Ways Leaders Can Give New Hires An Immediate Feeling Of Belonging. Forbes.