Personal Safety Tips
1. Don’t be predictable
– Vary the times you come and go
– Vary your routes to work, school, gym and errands
2. Study your space
– Know what is normal in your neighborhood or where you go to work
– Knowing what is normal will help you notice changes
3. Go with your gut
– Don’t ignore that “gut feeling” — there is a reason we have that internal alert system
4. Utilize situational awareness
– Don’t focus entirely on your phone, reading a book or anything else that takes your attention away from your surroundings
– Consider not wearing headphones while out walking or jogging because you cannot hear what is going on around you
– Predators look for opportunities to take advantage of distracted people
5. Keep the keys
– Keep your keys in hand when going to your car, home, or office, and ready to unlock the door
6. Small things matter
– Keep a small flashlight with you to stay safe in the dark
– If you need to attract attention, scream “HELP!”
7. Don’t be clueless
– When you walk to your car, home or store, keep your head up and notice your surroundings
– Avoid texting while walking
– Always walk near the curb and away from alleyways and doorways
– Always remain alert to your surroundings and walk with purpose, making quick eye contact with everyone you pass