Fort Sanders Regional’s Dedication to Safe Sleep for Babies
At Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, we are dedicated to helping families use safe sleep practices for their infants.
A Safe Sleep Certified Hospital
Fort Sanders Regional has been named a Bronze Safe Sleep Certified Hospital by Cribs for Kids. To earn the bronze recognition, the hospital must have a system-wide infant safe sleep policy, promote safe sleep education on its website, promote hospital-wide infant safe sleep imagery, provide safe sleep training to staff caring for infants under age 1 and provide safe sleep education to family and caregivers of infants under a year old.
“At Fort Sanders Regional, we promote safe sleep practices from pre-admission testing through discharge,” said Janae Holmes, director of patient care services. “While mom and baby are still in the hospital, we demonstrate the safest way to put baby to sleep: alone, on their back, in a crib.” Holmes notes that mothers are also given a sleep sack upon discharge to ensure that parents have the proper swaddling materials and know the techniques.
Resources for Moms
Fort Sanders Regional has resources for moms to help ensure their infant’s health through safe sleeping habits. In addition, the Safe Sleep Academy is an online resource offering tips on keeping newborns safe and preventing infant-related deaths.
The hospital also offers Teddy Bear University classes for pre- and postnatal care, including safe sleep and breastfeeding tips.
For more information about Fort Sanders Regional’s safe sleep initiatives and maternity services, call 865-673-3678 or visit