
Nutrition Services

Good nutrition helps the body withstand stress, recover from surgery more quickly, have more energy and stamina, and decrease the risk of infections and other illnesses. It is important for cancer patients to maintain adequate nutrition throughout the course of treatment for optimal performance.

However, side effects from both the disease process and treatments can make eating a challenge. Side effects and their severity vary from patient to patient. Some individuals experience minimal side effects, while others may have more severe and long lasting issues.

TCSC has registered dietitians on staff to help patients with nutritional needs. They will work with you as part of the medical team to optimize nutritional status throughout treatment and recovery. They can help you to understand what to eat during treatment and how to cope with nutrition-related side effects.

You may ask your doctor to refer you to one of TCSC’s registered dietitians or you may contact the Patient and Family Services department at 865-331-1757 with questions or to schedule an appointment.

For healthy recipes, please visit the American Institute for Cancer Research website. There, you’ll also find information about cancer prevention and survivorship.

Covenant Health